Monday, March 22, 2010

Are Your Skin Products Safe?

When you are looking after your skin you need to be certain that what you are putting on your skin is safe. In other words what you do put on your skin needs to be so safe and natural that you should be able to eat it.

But in the real world when it comes to skin care products that are available there is no real level of purity and there are always some kind of preservatives that are needed to ensure that the products have some kind of shelf life. However there are some companies that do strive to ensure that their products are as pure and as healthy as possible.

Always remember that what you are applying to your skin does enter the bloodstream. So if you are using products that are full of chemicals, then as well as presenting some kind of potential risk to your skin, there is also a potential risk to your health also. Let us be serious for a moment and consider all the chemicals and toxins that you are being exposed to. The human body can only do so much in eliminating so much from the body and when a toxin overload does exist, then this can have major implications for your health.

So what can you do in order to make sure that what you are applying is actually safe? Well you can start by looking at the ingredients that are listed and when you do, no doubt you will be confused as to what the cream or lotion that you intend on buying actually contains. You can make the choice a little simpler and to look out for certain third party approval such as the Soil Association here in the UK. This will tell you that the bulk of the ingredients that are being used are safe and will not present a risk to your skin or to your health.

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